Thursday, January 1, 2009

Pilgrimage Plans

I found a book on Israel which was acquired from an estate sale earlier in the year, am reading about places to look at that might be interesting but are not too close to Gaza or the West Bank, etc. The Baha'i World Center sent a pamphlet restricting travel from certain areas considered less safe. We are planning to arrive in Tel Aviv three or four days in advance of the actual Pilgrimage dates, on the theory that we ought to see some of Israel after traveling so far, and that we'll probably want to just go home in the glow of pilgrimage afterwards.

I'd like to see the Masada, and also Megiddo, scene of the battle of Armageddon [which actually already happened during World War One.] I don't really want to rent a car, however. I also need a good hotel [affordable] in Tel Aviv. We are supposed to arrive in Haifa about 9 PM on February first. Maybe we can see Megiddo on the way there.

From the news it looks like a good idea to stay more than 22 miles from Gaza. Unless Hezbollah attacks, which has longer range rockets. So far no news from the World Center cancelling Pilgrimage. Yay!

1 comment:

Roger said...

I can't offer any recommendations for non-pilgrimage sites to see, for I didn't see any on my pilgrimage. My travel arrangements had me heading for Haifa as soon as I landed and heading straight for the airport after a few hours' sleep after pilgrimage had ended.

About a week before the pilgrimage began, I received an e-mail from the World Center describing the latest situation, repeating the travel guidance, and offering me the option to cancel if I so chose (I didn't, as you know). Lord willing, you won't have to cancel or to have your pilgrimage deferred.

And thank you for your response to my pilgrimage journal.