Friday, January 16, 2009

A Touch of Luck

This aftern00n I walk into Marlene's Deli and am immediately approached by a friendly young woman offering a free massage. A free massage--what a stroke of luck!* She was wonderful.

Work has been crazy busy, constantly stopping tasks to honor people's needs, and then trying to gather my wits again to each task before someone else calls or comes up. Last evening at work until 2, and to bed at 3 AM. Tonight at work until one.

Something undefinable is going on in my heart, as if my heart is opening up to people for the first time. I'm more confident, less guarded, more accepting, and guiding people according to their needs. I felt a sense of oneness with co-workers and residents and families, discovering that I actually like them. Don't laugh! I can only attribute this to the divine, as by nature and habit, I am a bit of a crank.

I'm blessed.

PS just over a week until we get on the plane to Israel and Pilgrimage. Preparations going into hyperdrive. There's a wonderful website I discovered called Based on the theory that there are two types of luggage: carry-on, and lost.

* PPS As many times as I told that story today, with that wording, not one got the pun.

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