Wednesday, November 9, 2011

No Face, No Mother, No Moo.

Had a good day today and it isn't done yet. Up early for follow up visit to ophthamologist, who AGAIN put drops in my eyes to numb them and more drops to dilate them, which lasts all day. Anyway I gave him the update and he said my eyes look great. Then I decided not to drive back to Puyallup then back again to Tacoma for a later appt so I stayed in town. Whole food plant based lunch at Marlene's Deli, then a haircut, then shopping for more soup cups at Goodwill, then to Value Village [where by a miracle I found what I believe is a pizza peel thing helpful for transferring bread dough to a warmed baking stone] and my other appointment. Then home.

Walked to downtown Puyallup with my daughter and we explored the Library and several Antique shops, then home. If I live that long I wanted to make rye bread and do a hand sewing project. I'm also having a new mattress delivered tonight. Which is good because I'm about ready for sleep.

I may need to bake rye bread another day.

Every time I make a whole food plant based food choice I get an enormous charge out of it. I just never believed in myself before.

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