Monday, June 29, 2009

I'm Going West

How to play the children's word game, "I'm Going West" [as I learned and remember it]:

Round One:

Player A says, "I'm going west, and I'm taking a [some object, for example, a wooden spoon.]"
Player B: "I'm going west and I'm taking a [some different object, for example, a vacuum cleaner.]"
Follow with however many players.

Round Two:

Player A says, "I'm going to take my wooden spoon and I'm going to make some cake with it."
Player B: "I'm going to take my vacuum and vacuum my living room."

Round Three [this is where it gets interesting]:

Player A says, "I'm going to take my wooden spoon and vacuum the living room, [plus whatever other activities of other players.] "

Player B: "I'm going to take my vacuum and bake a cake."

This sounds prosaic but can lead to ridiculous and hilarious results. Also, one has to be careful when using any live creatures, particularly humans. We've passed a lot of hours at different times with this, especially on car trips.

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