Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Princess and the Pea

The lowly pea. My former son-in-law called them, "little green dots. Stupid little green dots." He hated peas, I imagine because somewhere in his past relationship with peas, force was involved, but I love them.

There is a phenomenon I've noticed which makes vegetable split pea soup especially creamy and good, whether making beet with pea, cabbage with pea, or whatever. This only happens when cooking peas in the pressure cooker [for me, so far] but they almost disappear into the soup as individual entities, leaving a creamy, delicious texture that is so selfless it blends into whatever flavors emerge from the other ingredients. I used to focus on cream soups, adding soy milk for the creaminess, but peas are creamier. Peas are wonderful.

Die to the world that thou mayest live in Me.

~Baha'i Scripture

All because under the right conditions, heat and pressure, split peas give up their individuality and devote their all to the whole soup.



Bonita said...

..."under the right conditions, heat and pressure, split peas give up their individuality and devote their all to the whole soup."

You couldn't express it better than this for the requisite conditions necessary for the Intensive Programs of Growth!

Weaner Pigs said...

Thank you, I'm glad the wording succeeded.