Wednesday, October 20, 2010

All The Pillars of the Dwelling

We went to the celebration of the birth of the Bab, the forerunner to Baha'u'llah, yesterday evening. It was held in the community center at Salishan, the recently rebuilt, tremendously successful, and wonderfully diverse public housing development in Tacoma. For Baha'is who have been roaming the streets interested in conversing with people about spiritual community-building, it has been a mine rich in gems of inestimable value.

To gather jewels have I come to this world. If one speck of a jewel lie hid in a stone, and that stone be beyond the seven seas, until I have found and secured that jewel, my hand shall not stay from its rest.


As I drove up to the center and could see the action through the window, I was appalled. We were in trouble. Children were sprawled across the floor with crayons; some hugging books obtained from the library in the lobby. There were children climbing the curtains, dangling from the ceiling, hovering in the air, popping out from doorways. Dozens of them.

I could also see that they all, without exception, passionately adore and instantly obey Miss Lisa. She works at their school and lives in the neighborhood; now with the support of the Baha'i community she host children's classes and other core activities nearly every day in her home. These children were now here, attending the Baha'i holy day.

At the opening of the celebration, Lisa's son Liam enthusiastically recited a memorized prayer; he knows several. The children sang songs from their classes. We read Baha'i writings about the Bab, and Tim exquisitely told the tale of the Bab's first attendance at school at the age of five. [Tim has developed his storytelling skills to a wonderful degree.] Then children and youth vied with each other in lining up to sing more songs that they had learned.

Also, my favorite new star appeared, a youth I'll just call "Badi." I first saw Badi Saturday at the home which hosted the base for the neighborhood teaching activities. I came to hide there and say prayers while the brave miners went off, whistling, to dig up more gems. They returned with this youth they had scrounged up. He appeared positively glowing, dutifully phoned his mother, and wasted no time informing the participants [estimated lowest age about forty--sorry!] that it would be advantageous to have more youth out in the neighborhoods engaging people in conversations.

I believe Badi's primary interest is becoming involved as a "youth animator." [Most of the young participants of last night's holy day already seem pretty animated.] Anyway, Badi's glowing visage seemed like an outstanding expression of this verse:

For thus the Master of the house hath appeared within His home, and all the pillars of the dwelling are ashine with His light.


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