Friday, September 2, 2011

Fire and Snow

So I visited Baha'i Views and took a virtual canoe trip through the Willapa Watershed, and my first impression was that most of these photos with beautiful scenery and wildlife would make wonderful inspirations for landscape quilts. My first feeling was intense envy of the time and energy and experience of folks ready to step out and paddle out into the wild in their spare time. I get this with my sister's weekend bicycle rides, also. But the envy is really just the result of my longing for nature, which is awakened by seeing and reading about these journeys. That's the fire.

The "snow", the relief, is the tremendous bounty of seeing the photographs, reading about these experiences. If I can't be there, at least I can see the pictures. Bittersweet.

These are the angels of fire and of snow.

~Baha'u'llah [approximate quotation from memory]

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