Saturday, September 10, 2011


Walked to the Puyallup Fair Friday morning, stood in line for awhile to get in on the free admission, admired the quilts. While I was there, I saw an elderly man leaning against a chair, thought he might lose his balance & said something.

"That's my wife's quilt up there," he said. I said, that's very nice; he said, "she died three years ago. I wanted to see what happened with the quilt. Every night I talk to her, tell her how my day went." I got teary-eyed. Said, maybe you can wrap up in the quilt.

Stood in line for a burger at a place that wasn't quite organized yet, taking far more orders than they could cook up. A lot of us were in line for a long time, then a counter opened up and someone who hadn't even been in line came up. Lady behind me complained, he rounded on her, she tried to apologize but he wouldn't listen. Then when he got his burger before her, more drama. From when I got in line to when I received my sandwich: 50 minutes.

Went to the rodeo for $5, have never gone before. I think they had a rodeo in Albion when I was very small, if that counts. It was a blast. I'd like to go again.

Bought a silk comforter [silk fibers on the inside, not the outside], decided it would be better to be a little mean to silkworms than kill ducks: besides, feathers have a tendency to work out of a feather bed and poke you. So I left the fair resolved to sew a cover for the comforter.

Fortunately I have a pair of Egyptian cotton king-size sheets I bought several months ago at a thrift shop, and decided to use those for the duvet. Decided to doll it up a little bit from plain white by appliqueing butterflies cut from colorful scraps, but I was dreading the applique process, wrestling around an entire king sized sheet on the machine, until I figured out I needed to cut squares/rectangles from the sheet, sew on the appliques, then reassemble.

In twenty four hours I have the applique work done. Except for the fact that, without details, the outlines of butterflies resemble hats. So now I'm adding detailing, and that's as far as I got today. Back to work tomorrow.

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