Saturday, October 22, 2011

Baha'i Institute for Higher Education

Last weekend of the Intensive Program of Growth here in W. Washington/Cluster 19. Tired. Met for prayers in the AM at Lisa's with George, Lisa, Joe, then Gwen and so on so forth. Sorry, So On So Forth, didn't learn your names.

Said some prayers, G. went to be with the Tacoma Tigers football "little league", Gwen and Joe and So Forth were doing a Book One, so I slid on out, came home to get ready to bring healthy snacks to a Fireside at Dawn's with a young lady who is a graduate of the Baha'i Institute of Higher Education. This is a grassroots organization of Baha'is making sure a college degree is available to people in Iran where the Baha'is are excluded from the official universities. My understanding is that Shiva is the first such graduate to be accepted at an American university, PLU. What an honor it is to have her here.

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