Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Health Issues

I'm up early. Wrenching myself out of sleep early, I feel like a beet pulled up out of the ground. I made an appointment with the last optometrist I saw, for first thing this morning. They wanted to see me yesterday, but I have to work. The vision has become blurry in my left eye. There is no outward, visible change in my eye; it's either internal to the mechanics of the eye, or neurological. Guess I'll find out.

I'm getting more serious lately about turning away from animal-based foods; reading Dr. Neal Barnard's Breaking the Food Seduction, Geneen Roth's Women, Food and God, and realizing ways this might be possible. The "muscle" it takes to turn away from spontaneously provided foods [from other people, e.g. at work] is not really there, but I'm not pursuing my cravings so much. Also, the more I eat plant-based foods, the better I feel, so that helps.

I have this great idea for forming a group or club based on exploring alternatives for healthy nutrition: meeting, cooking and eating plant-based foods, watching movies, reading books, and discussing them. Stay tuned.

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