Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Good News

A little over a week ago I received notification that my former employer was appealing my unemployment benefits, and setting a court date for a trial. I immediately contacted an unemployment law firm and spent the day today preparing for the trial [via phone] tomorrow morning. I have hardly been able to sleep. Just after 5 PM, I received a voicemail from the judge saying that the employer withdrew the appeal. I was elated.

Before this issue came up I was extremely stressed and worried already because of my unemployment. Now, back in the same boat, I am elated. It is all a matter of perspective.

Monday morning my husband went to the hospital with shortness of breath, and spent a day on the ventilator while he had dialysis to relieve the extra fluid in his circulatory system. Yesterday he came off of the ventilator and this evening he is headed home, due for dialysis on an outpatient basis tomorrow for the first time.

I ordered glasses two weeks ago after visiting the optometrist on account of my double vision and finally picked them up today. It feels strange spending money out of pocket for such an expense, but is necessary due to changes in my vision coupled with symptoms of optic neuritis. The new prescription helps, although it does not correct for the double vision.

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