Thursday, January 14, 2010


Whenever I get to tired of looking at the same entries I have to blog again.

Sunday was busy, but I went to the Tai-Li market for fried tofu; Fred Meyer for various foods; and the local vegetable stand which is open this time of year, too. I came home and rested a little, then make two types of soup for a teaching event two weekends in a row in Tacoma. I made Stealth Soup, which is a blended mixture of baked squash, cooked red lentils, the usual seasonings, and soy milk; and Bean Soup made with white beans and vegetables in the pressure cooker. I am hoping at some time next weekend, in between the teaching, to make tamales to share. I'm thinking of some with black beans and corn, and some with spinach and mushrooms. It's just a question of having the right blend of time, focus, and the energy to do it.

Halfway through my four twelve-hour days marathon. Six days a pay period won't pay the bills.