Monday, February 6, 2012

Is There Any Remover of Slime?

I got slimed* last night at work by someone whose motivations are clear to me but it would be backbiting to reveal. Wish I could bring a raincoat to work.

It's two o'clock and I haven't had breakfast yet. Looks sunny out.

Planning to go to Feast tonight.

I need to say 500 Remover of Difficulties to purify myself from the slime. Takes about 3 hours, usually. Whatever it takes to stay emotionally fit for work, I guess. Beats unemployment.

Angus Cowan said once that he worried about saying the Remover of Difficulties. He thought he might prove to be the difficulty, and be removed.

Is there any Remover of Difficulties save God? Say: Praised be God. He is God. All are His servants, and all abide by His bidding.

~the Bab

That last line is a real poser for me. I hope I have it figured out before The End.

I've heard people joke about someone standing by a car on the freeway with a flat tire [the car, not the person] saying the Remover of Difficulties. Maybe God is removing exterior difficulties, but after the last time I said a string of 500 of the prayers, I decided the main difficulties are interior. I decided to just trust that I am where I am supposed to be, doing what I am supposed to do--at least, my best--and I need to just trust God.

Who has more power than God over my life? Other than me, fumbling along, inadequately making my dumb choices? Obviously, except for the times God is de-creating bullets, my guess is He just works with whatever circumstances are available; that is, not changing people's freedom of choice. [I just figured out I mean individual people's, not mass humanity's peoples'.]

I hope by the end of my two days off I will have done something meaningful, and be de-slimed. Wish me luck or say prayers, whichever is your pleasure.

*Sliming is saying anything to someone that makes them feel sick, shameful, sad, angry, etc. and saying it with that intention.

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