Monday, July 13, 2009

Creamavera Soup

Generally I need one hour minimum of cooking to feed myself each day. Preparing meals from fresh, whole foods takes more time [not counting if you cook ahead.] It also takes more creativity. Today, an hour was all I had, having done my errands on the way from Eatonville to Tacoma before going to work.

With one hour before I needed to leave for work, I invented this soup, inspired by a package of fresh basil leaves that were not quite as fresh as when I bought them. [That's the danger of splurging on exceptional produce such as fresh basil--it's too special to use, so it can go bad.]

Creamavera Soup:

8 small red potatoes, eyes removed, diced
3 carrots, diced
2 slices onion, chopped
1 large package fresh basil leaves, chopped up
1 lemon: cut up and squeeze juice into soup at the appropriate time
1 large tomato, diced
1 bag fresh spinach leaves
1 can beans such as navy or pinto [but not black beans]*
2-3 cups plain Silk soy milk
1 cubic inch turmeric root, ditto ginger
2-3 cloves garlic, peeled
a healthy shake of each: oregano leaves, ground cumin, dill, ground coriander, sea salt to taste

In two cups boiling water, cook diced carrots, potatoes and onion until soft. Meanwhile back at the ranch, grate turmeric, ginger, and garlic with a palm-sized grater. Stir into cooking vegetables. Chop fresh basil and stir in. With a potato masher, mash cooked vegetables in pot until some are mushy. Stir in rinsed can of beans. Stir in soy milk, seasonings, squeeze in lemon juice, and add spinach leaves. Simmer some more until flavors have blended and spinach has softened to a bright green. Serve garnished with raw diced tomatoes. Yum!

* If you previously had the time to have already cooked your own beans, instead of opening a can, great!

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