Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Day

One day gone from two days off. Two days off are not enough.

I had at least 17 things on my list this morning.

I dreamed about tiny deer the size of mice. Boy, were they fun.

Invited my hermit daughter to lunch and errands. [We leave each other books on the kitchen table. I left her the Funny Times when I finished it. She left me Oishinbo: Rice. That was in response to my introducing her to Oishinbo: Vegetables. I write grocery list items on the dry erase board: she illustrates them. She illustrated gloves and potatoes, so I wrote "Eiffel Tower."] At Chili Thai, we ate veggie fresh rolls with basil and ? leaves, cellophane noodles, rice and tofu in rice paper; ginger chicken; brown rice; Tom Kha, my new favorite soup, with tofu; Thai Iced Tea; and she had coconut ice cream and I had mango ice cream, and we both had leftovers.

To the library where we discovered not one Isaac Asimov book on the shelf. Not one. In the seventies there would have been three shelves worth. Also, it looks as if it's possible to put movies on hold now. She checked out some Bill Nye the Science Guy DVD's for nostalgia sake; I can't remember what I checked out, plus paid 15 cents-worth of fines. Did you know old typewriters used to have cents signs on the keyboard? I learned to type on an antique [even then] typewriter which had all its innards exposed, very long stems attached to the cutest round letter keys [somebody local makes them into jewelery.] And with every character typed, you got to watch the whole key and stem assembly rise up in front of you and crash into the paper with a terrific whack. Typing as an aerobic activity.

Drove by an apartment complex recommended by someone at work. Too busy for me to really check it out. I'm trying to figure out how to move out of my house, rent it out, and move into an apartment all at the same time so as not to pay double rent/mortgage.

Went shopping. They stopped carrying cases of Silk soy milk, so I have to buy it 2-3 boxes at a time. Tried a variety of other brands, some mistakenly vanilla [retch.] Many are much thinner than I am used to. Found large brown mushrooms for a change.

Washed clothes. Made cabbage soup with dried green peas, tomatoes, fresh [yum] basil. Went on the internet while waiting for soup to cool. Looked up all the suggested ways to get Sharpie marker stains off my pants.

I love carrying retractable Sharpies at work, but twice they've stained the pockets of my white pants. Now I keep them in my pocket in a ziploc snack bag.

Last week there was a doohickey in the exhaust system of my CRV that was shot and the whole repair plus scheduled maintenance was almost $700.00.

Also on the internet I started buying Farsi language books and stuff; also bought a copy of the VHS The White Balloon that I and my original husband really liked when we watched it 15 to 20 years ago at the Grand Cinema. At least it has subtitles.

I still mean to drive to Eatonville.

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