Friday, December 5, 2008


After I realized what was needed as a charge nurse was just to be honest and do the best I can, things got much better with Dr. Waltman. My stock went way up. I stopped acting like a weasel.

I was asked to make a presentation on a resident we had where tragic mistakes had been made by every health care provider for six weeks before the person came to us. Because we had worked together on the case, I was asked to give a presentation on this resident in a meeting for the nursing staff. I had the details of the case more or less memorized, and something odd happened I had not experienced before. I did as Baha'i's often do when teaching the Faith, and turned my heart to God, opened my mouth and talked. It was as if I was listening to someone else speak, someone eloquent, genius. A lot of people, including the Director of Nursing and Dr. Waltman, seemed impressed by my presentation.

To my shame, I took credit for it. It's really another case of The Magic Piano.

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