Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Test of Sincerity

"Anonymous" challenged my level of sincerity because I do not support the business of mendicancy. My compassionate nature attracts many people asking for money, and I have had multiple interactions with them over the years.

Sincere people are truly hungry, and they are satisfied with food. The food I've found which travels best is a small jar of peanut butter: it keeps, it contains lots of fat and protein, and very few people are actually allergic to it. Sincere people are usually grateful to receive it when offered.

The vast majority of people asking you for money are insincere. They are running a business. The target is you, and the product is whatever story will put the money into their pockets. It's all profit. And I am weary of listening to their insincere approach, which is what prompted my flippant [but truthful] response which I posted the other day.

I am involved, heart and soul, in an organization not only dedicated to, but guaranteed to change the world by transforming people one heart at a time. And the best part? "No salesman will call on you."

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