Sunday, November 7, 2010

Karmic Relief

Every day I'm feeling better, probably from the release of stress from my previous job. Today, among other things I accomplished, I prayed fervently and put my issues in the hands of God [about which I always have to laugh at myself, because my life is in God's hands anyway] and I bought a Sunday paper. This is the third week I have bought a Sunday paper, and nursing jobs in the last two editions have been minimal to nonexistent, but I enjoy the comics, so what the heck. I had the idea this morning of putting a sign in the back of my car, "RN For Hire", but I'm not sure about the unintended consequences.

I think the lack of newspaper listings is partially due to a lack of jobs and partly due to a change in technology. Everything is done online that used to be done in the newspaper. Maybe that explains why the Sunday edition is now up to $2.00. Well, I did find a possibly appropriate job, which I hope would not be a frying-pan-into-the-fire situation. The main thing is that it helped me become motivated to update my resume, which I am mailing tomorrow to this outfit. So that feels productive.

Suddenly I'm reading all these articles in the papers about my "social networking" presence online, and its relevance to a job search. The writers encourage people to have a positive "presence" online, and not look too bad. They mean Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, etc etc etc. Last time I tried to get onto Facebook it had me create a password, and then rejected it--over and over again. Just my karmic way of feeling rejected one more time, I guess. I keep meaning to try again. Anyway, for better or worse, potential employers will just have to get to know me without Chatter or Spacebook. Karmic relief.

I went to Farsi class this morning, which is really a children's class for Farsi-speaking children who are learning to read and write in Farsi script. I've been going since last spring. The class is held in Farsi, so following instructions is a challenge. I'm actually learning to read in Farsi. Whoa. Today I learned to spell the words "Allah" and "Hovallah", which are actually Arabic but used in Baha'i Writings and shared by Farsi, as well as being spelled in the Farsi alphabet.

Although I have been studying the alphabet for some time, I think what helped me start making the connections [pun intended: Farsi script is connected as in cursive writing] was the assignment of looking into a dictionary to find words beginning with each letter. At first I was rather resistive and sullen about it, but with practice it got easier. The last homework I did was to list numerals from one to one hundred, which have different symbols than Arabic numerals, together with the Englishified transliteration and the Farsi word for each number. I didn't actually learn each number, but I did write them. Twice. It just got to be so much fun after I got the hang of it.

It's because I don't watch TV. You have to get your fun where you can.

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