Sunday, January 16, 2011

It's Not a Choice, It's a Cat

According to some faiths, the source of most troubles is desire. I desired this townhouse rental, but no pets. So I steeled myself to find a place for my two cats [originally in apartment hunting I was going to keep one] and drove yesterday to PetSmart where Pierce County Animal Welfare tries to adopt out their cats.

As soon as I drove into the parking lot, something was wrong with me. Sat with it for a minute and cried my eyes out. Can't just push away emotions anymore. It isn't that easy just to part with a cat that was so easy to adopt. Also, I found out this is not like a library where you can just go and return a cat. They are full for adult cats. Everyone wants kittens. [This is true. We did.]

I put a very expensive ad in the News Tribune to adopt out Juliet; I figure even if I decide to part with Gregory, it will be two difficult to find a home for two cats at once.


Anonymous said...

I applaud you for being distraught about getting rid of your cats. I would always choose a pet friendly rental over a no pets rental, even if the former was squalid and the latter was grand.

Bonita said...

Yes, it will be hard loosing the cats. When we lost Mordrid it was such a sudden shock, and I realized how much I loved him. Rahmat and I wept big tears at the Vet's. Now Pandora...anytime you relocate and you want a neurotic cat, she is yours! However, she ruins the furniture, and must be accommodated promptly, as she assumes she is the boss.