Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Dreamed Christ Returned

This is true: last night I dreamed our good Lord, Jesus Christ, returned to Earth. He had good memories of healing people, so He decided to be a nurse [remember His great humility, that's why He didn't become a doctor.]

So He was working in a nursing home, and sure enough, the very first night a patient fell, and He had to write up an incident report, one of those detailed forms devised to punish nurses for ever letting anything surprising happen to their patients.

He did an outstanding job, dotting every "t" and crossing every "i." It was perfect. So the other nurses asked Him, "Lord, how come you know so well how to write up an incident report?"

He said, "Well, what's the first thing that the nurses say every time you have to do an incident report? 'Oh, Jesus Christ!!' "

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