Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Captain Jinks

My mother used to repeat this rhyme, source unknown [to me, anyway]:

Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines
Fed his horse on corn and beans.

I know; I pity the troops following him and his horse.

Anyway, my mother always related this to the fact that grains and legumes together tend to make up complete proteins.

Here is my recipe for today:

Captain Jinks

Cube one cup of polenta [either home-cooked cornmeal, or a tube from the store]
layer with one cup beans such as kidney or black beans [cooked, of course]
and one cup shredded almond [omigod, a fake food!] cheese-like substance.
Place in ceramic bowl, cover and nuke.

To adapt the recipe for non-vegans, use cheddar dairy cheese.

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