Tuesday, May 5, 2009

On the Menu

Potato Soup:

red and baking potatoes, diced
three carrots, diced
3 cloves garlic, peeled
1 1/2 cups water
shake in to taste:
cumin, dill [which always complement potatoes and squash, etc]
oregano, basil
coriander, garlic powder,
and so forth.
Simmer 30 to 40 minutes
mash and stir in:
mashed Mori-Nu soft tofu
soy milk to proper consistency
diced raw onion [I decided that raw onion would pack more of a punch than cooked.]

Funny thing about tofu. When I say the following, it includes me: people who would never turn up their nose to sinking their teeth into a pig's snout, seasoned with nitrites and stuffed into a bun with ketchup, without ever having been properly introduced to the pig in the first place, shrink from fermented soybeans simply because it is white, tasteless and gelatinous. Go figure.

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