Saturday, May 16, 2009

A Dangerous Thing

The lawn-expert neighbor, Darryl, saw me mowing the lawn with the push mower in fits and starts. "It's giving me a heart attack to watch you do that." I told him I have a power mower, but Pearl and I couldn't remember or figure out how to run it. So he came over and showed me. FYI: The top lever enables the engine to start and continue to run; the bottom lever activates the forward motion of the wheels. It was almost fun. And, best of all, there's a hidden little red button on the front which, when pushed about ten times, primes the engine for an easier start. There is no magic button for when the engine stalls out and floods. Which is why I mowed the lawn [0.42 acres] in one pass. Whew. Not pretty, but enough to keep the grass from eating New York.

Not knowing how to operate the lawn mower was a big concrete wall I couldn't get over. I didn't have time to hire someone, and as often as it rains, you have to strike while the lawn is hot. So to speak. The grass grows fast here.

Grateful as I am, I don't think I'll ever change my native preference for doing everything myself without ever involving auxiliary help such as neighbors, with the attendant concerns of owing people favors and having to be pleasant, or maybe having to help them one day. On the other hand, I never thought I'd ever give up meat or dairy products, either. Go figure.

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