Monday, October 19, 2009

Business People

Saturday while we strolled through the Hilltop neighborhood, I was partnered with a gentleman from Bellevue and I asked what his wife does. After a thorough explanation, my previous observation was confirmed: the strong possibility exists I am just not intelligent enough to understand business. I've already proven I'm not smart enough to understand Stephen Hawking. But I'd rather try to explain a quasar than any aspect of business.

Years ago I used to walk along the Tacoma waterfront on Ruston Way, trying to figure out my nursing career which was always crashing and burning. I was watching for rainbows and trying to manage my weight [ha!] I used to see them on Ruston Way: Business People.

They trade their spike heels for chic walking shoes and glide out from their offices in pairs, crisp in black business suits, sliding narrowly past the stroller pushers, dog walkers, and fat, desperate housewives. The speak a staccato dialect from another planet, possibly B9 Business 1138.

I want to approach timidly in my Birkenstoks, "I come in peace." But I know they live and work and have their being in a different world from mine.

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