Monday, October 19, 2009

Love and Compassion, Part 1

I associate activities intended to save souls as having a coercive agenda. This is because at heart, Christianity as currently taught by some Christians, involves the doctrine of original sin. As I understand it, there were two people in the Bible, Adam and Eve, that failed to follow the commandment of God, and for some reason, some type of twisted genetics, everyone else who followed [being their offspring], inherited the quality of being inherently sinful.

The corollary to this situation, the way I have been taught by some Christians, is that since humanity are all sinners, we are all automatically consigned to the flames of hell unless we are saved.

How do we get "saved?" By reciting words to the effect that, "I believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save me, and I repent from my sins." Something like that. Now this, as any child can see, is a no-brainer. If the clear choice is to go to hell or to recite whatever you think God wants you to recite, why not recite the words?

The trick, as I figured out as a child, is to be sincere. How can you know you were sufficiently sincere to keep you out of the flames of hell?

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