Thursday, November 12, 2009

Plant-Based Nutrition at eCornell

I'm taking my first online college course at eCornell, Plant Based Nutrition based on The China Study by T. Colin Campbell. There are recorded lectures by the author, which so far have covered the same material as the book. The great, stimulating part of the course are the online discussions. Whoo! It's exciting to read people's history, many have been eating just plants for a long time and have lost a lot of weight, reversed diseases, e.g. migraines, and so forth, and are very fit.

I feel kind of bad that I'm kind of fat and slobby in contrast, but that's where I am. I did have an agency nurse that saw me for the first time in several months notice weight loss I hadn't noticed. The concensus I'm hearing is that the more you avoid certain foods such as meat, dairy foods, and fats, the more you lose your taste for them, and that they can actually be physiologically addictive.

Great quotes: 1] "Spaghetti is easy. Cancer is hard." Dr. Michael Greger. 2] "You don't see a lot of lions sitting around eating canned rabbits."--Emel, class participant.

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