Saturday, February 6, 2010

Another Update

Sorry for the rare posts. I become so drained by work and other crises that I don't have as much time and creativity as I'd like to have.

I'm trying to refinance my house and a former family member, also on loan and title, is obstructing the process.

Today would be a good day to clean house. I think I've forgotten how. I'm not sure how long it will be my house anyway.

Every day I wake up following a whole foods plant based diet. Every day I go to bed a meat eater. Stress.

1 comment:

Bonita said...

After reading all your above entries, (the house, finances)I'd encourage you to just TRY stretching exercises for 15 minutes before a meal. They are strss-busters,invigorate. Even a good walk does wonders in clearing the mind. You'll notice positive improvements within a week. (This is a non-negotiable factor in my daily life. More important than what I eat.)

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