Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dead, Part Two

The whole idea that the only reason there's ever any death is because Adam and Eve screwed up, and otherwise we'd be living in Eden still, equates physical life with the whole of reality. I think that's what depresses me about this concept the most. The only meaning to life is just physical existence.

Everything has an inner and an outer reality. The physical world is just a spot, a bus station for the rest of it. To some people, a womb. A place to stay warm and pick up virtues, qualities necessary for the rest of life, an arena in which I'm rather afraid I'll be lost and abandoned, but otherwise not too concerned about.

True reality is spiritual. Eternal. The heart. The soul which reflects, like a mirror, the eternal spirit. A physical body is only necessary on this plane, then it needs to be respectably treated and left somewhere safe, while our thoughts, heart, feelings, intelligence, bright soul moves on.

When I used to go to the Good News Club and they said when we went to heaven we'd be issued a new body, just like the one we have here [they weren't JW's, just ordinary Christian fundamentalists] I was appalled. I was only nine but I already knew I loathed my body, hated it [this is really another story] and if I went to heaven I never wanted to see my body again. I certainly didn't want to spend eternity in my body.

Personally, when it comes to death, all I care about is that I somehow get out of it alive. Oops. Depressed again.

For the Baha'i teachings on life and death, visit the Baha'i website.

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