Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Down To The Wire

I spent the day with my husband doing some last minute chores all day. The current discussion is when to drive to Tacoma [to my house] to meet the shuttle: now, or in the morning. I'm being a control freak due to past experience with delays. We are in negotiation.

I've mentioned the Baha'i Faith more in the last several weeks and days than I did since I enrolled in the Faith in 1974. Whenever my friends at work hear, "I'm going to Israel," there is a quaint mix of elation and alarm on my behalf. "Oh, how wonderful! I wish I could go! Will you be safe? I'll pray for you!" It's so sweet. They are also on my prayer list, and I'm starting to pray for them now, to practice when we are at the shrines. [Except my list is packed up with my prayer book, smiling emoticon.] Even people where I bank, people in the Subway restaurant, and so forth.

I never would have been so open to people in the past. It amazes me how nice they are. I grew up regarding other people as potential monsters, so it's nice to find out I was a little warped in my perceptions. It's sweet.

We touch down February 11th at Seatac, so the next blog will be following return.


Bonita said...

After Pilgrimage you actually 'touch down' again? Aw, I'd use the word "alight"...have a fantastic trip!

Roger said...

As I type this, you'll soon be heading for home. I hope you had a wonderful experience and that your jetlag upon returning home won't be too bad.