Monday, January 5, 2009

Mystery of Inner Meanings

Anyone who seeks to investigate a religious truth can be assisted by realizing that everything has an inner meaning and an outer meaning. This is absolutely fundamental to understanding the sacred verses revealed by God.

Take Thanksgiving. This Thanksgiving, as I was working and was not invited to any celebrations that day, I drove to a restaurant and ate turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, dressing, salad, cranberry sauce, and so forth. During this lonely feast my ever-present existential sense of being alone became very apparent. Eating a meal which contains traditional foods is not Thanksgiving. However, if you are surrounded with family and friends, and share bread and water in a spirit of love and fellowship, and call it this, that would be Thanksgiving.

The outer meaning of Thanksgiving is that you see people eating certain traditional foods at a table on a certain holiday. The inner meaning of Thanksgiving is the joy of being together, gathering with a sense of gratitude for all that we share.

When we read sacred verses revealed by God, it can be extremely helpful to ponder and reflect, asking ourselves: "What is the inner meaning of this verse?"

Watch for further posts on this subject.

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