Sunday, January 11, 2009

Inner Meanings, Part Two

Today I listened to the inspirational tape of a talk by Dr. Robert Henderson at Howard University in 1993. He mentioned how we are all created in the image of God.

This sparked a thought to share about inner and outer meanings in life and in scripture. As children, many of us are puzzled how we could be created in the image of God. Is God some kind of human, does He have a human form? Does God have eyes and ears, arms and legs? [When I was three my mother informed me that God is everywhere. I imagined some kind of bearded Old Man-type God lurking somewhere I couldn't see, perhaps behind the refrigerator.]

God of course is beyond physical conditions such as age, person-hood, place, time, and arthritis. God is a spiritual Essence that humans cannot understand. God is essentially spiritual. So if we humans are created in the image of God, we are also essentially spiritual. We are not bound by physical conditions such as age, place, time or arthritis. It just seems as if we are, because on this physical plane, in order to grow we have to experience physical limitations and hardships.

We believe that in the next world, on the spiritual plane, things which seem murky now will become clear, including our spiritual nature. Before I believed in God, before I knew about Baha'u'llah, I decided that it is important to be as kind and loving as I can during the time I have here.

Where the rubber meets the road is how difficult it is to practice spiritual qualities in this earthly life. If I'm committed to being so kind, and so forth, many people in my life would like to know: why the screaming, the criticizing? That's what I'm here to learn to overcome. I hope I have as long as possible to learn to express my spiritual nature at all times and under all conditions.

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