Monday, August 24, 2009

Hot Aphus of the Glaphus Soup

Felled by a cold. Yesterday I worked sick. I slept in too late to give two hours notice calling in, and knew that staffing is hard anyway on a weekend. So here I am sick on my day off. Phooey.
Whenever my maternal grandfather was ill he had "some kind of aphus of the glaphus."

I made soup with all the best healing ingredients: garlic, onion, lemon and so on.

Hot Aphus of the Glaphus Soup:

3-4 cloves garlic, grated--as much garlic as you can stand
1 cubic inch ginger root, grated
one entire onion, chopped
one leek, chopped
a sprinkle of dill, coriander
two tablespoons miso
two bundles of Japanese wheat and buckwheat noodles
5 cups water
juice from one lemon
salt to taste

Saute the garlic, onion, and ginger root in olive oil, then add water [gently] and leek. Bring to boil, stir in dill and coriander, miso and noodles. Simmer until noodles are soft. Turn off heat and stir in lemon juice, fishing out the lemon seeds that fall in. Salt to taste. Good for what ails you.

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