Friday, August 21, 2009

Me and Rosie

Two major triumphs for my blog, for a technosaur such as myself: Pearl helped me load photos from our trip to Neah Bay onto my computer, and place the photo of Arlene with Rosie the Sekiu Salmon as my photo. No more shadowy head profile! She also helped me complete the process with sitemeter which will now show accurately my adoring hundreds or thousands ; > of readers, rather than periodically sending me an email with "visits to site: 0," which was somewhat disheartening.

I'm considering actually posting photos, which I have mixed feelings about. I like my text to speak for itself, but photos do add a lot of richness and I know lots of people like to see colors and images on a blog. I remember my initial disappointment with adult books which were not illustrated, until I realized that the images I formed in my mind were pretty good, too.

Guess I'll think about that on the rest of my second day off.

Yay for Pearl!

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