Monday, August 10, 2009

Jammin'? Too Bizarre!

Jam N Tube Part Two:

A jam tasting is always an elegant affair, but the setting on Sunday was informal. In the spirit of Unity in Diversity there were jams brought in from everywhere. A true variety of jams, of course tasted on the premier of toasts--a good, basic whole wheat bread with just a hint of butter, not to obscure the delicate flavor of the jam. There was a modest gooseberry, a robust strawberry, quite a few middle-of-the road raspberries, a succinct currant jelly [brought in just in time] and rather a pretentious huckleberry, as well as a good spread of basic marmelades.

Ah, the art of jam tasting! A bracing Earl Grey tea to cleanse the palate. An appreciative sniff, a tentative lick, then to roll the whole bite of jam and toast around to savor the essence of all the delicate flavors. A devotee of jam can divine the year the preserves were put up, the county of origin, and a real expert might identify the actual patch where the berries were picked. Jam tasting can be truly an exquisite experience.

There was some music playing nearby, but I was too involved with the jam to really appreciate it.

Not everyone attending the Jam N Tube on Sunday may have noticed the Jam Tasting, but I had a wonderful time.


Bonita said...

Shucks! I overlooked the jam! Here are photos of the Jam'an'Tub. If you care to use them or link, that's OK:

Weaner Pigs said...

I think we all overlooked the jam. It was, as you might have figured out, tongue in cheek.