Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Compass

I just found my compass again.

It's difficult coming off a series of work days during which my mind becomes so engrossed in problem-solving that I become tired and sleep-deprived. Even though there are certain tasks I can focus on during a day or two off, I feel foggy and unfocused. I've been obsessed with seeing a movie, because I work in the evenings; for example,"The Class" at the Grand Cinema, Tacoma's art house. So I went to the Grand Cinema website and saw that an even more intriguing movie starts tomorrow; "Waltzing With [Somebody]", an animation made in Israel about a veteran trying to regain his memory about events during the 1980's war in Lebanon.

Meanwhile, I have to go to work to make a late progress note in a chart, and deliver a coupon from my tax person at H&R Block to my friend Becky while she's there, and had thought of coupling that with the trip to the Grand Cinema. I was feeling unsettled about whether I really want to take time to see a movie , and which movie to see . . .

Then I peeked in on the Tacoma Baha'i website, and saw a feature with photos of people volunteering at the World Center back in 1984; all the countries of origin and their interesting faces and occupations. I also read some quotes about service interspersed with the photos. Suddenly I could feel the fog lifting somewhat. I had been thinking of how to entertain myself, rather than in how I could be of service. Nothing is intrinsically wrong with entertainment, but I feel more focused now. I think this time I'll do my Tacoma errands at "Homeland", stop by the library to find a movie or two, and come back to Eatonville to do the laundry, start work on the Holy Land album, and watch movies. I'll feel as if some value is added to my day.

P.S, this is an example of foggy writing.

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