Sunday, March 29, 2009

Four Cheese Lasagna and Other Matters

A large part of my world as I perceived it fell apart in the last 24 hours. Yesterday I was still tired even after two days off; I slept in late at Eatonville, puttered around, and arrived at my house in Tacoma [shared with my daughter and son-in-law] at the last minute to go to work, with laundry and things to unload, needing the bathroom. I step in and my son-in-law approaches and says I need to have a talk with him or my daughter, Pearl.

My first thought was that I was being summoned to the principal's office, and asked Charles, half joking, what I have done wrong this time? He said, "Oh, no, you've been great." Everything in the past tense. So I had to keep prodding to find out in ten minutes that he's planning to move out in a week and filing for divorce. So I arrived at work ten minutes late and an emotional train wreck.

Came back from work 11:30 to talk, as they tend to stay up late. I come upstairs, saying, "Who wants to talk?" I see Pearl sitting at her computer, "I don't want to talk." Great news. So Charles comes out to talk about options what to do with the house and so forth, Pearl eventually sitting in between us eating lasagna, as I shared my experience of keeping all my emotions inside about her suicide attempt until I was in the Shrine of 'Abdu'l-Baha. She wiped her eyes a couple of times. And added in helpful items such as that this was four-cheese lasagna so I could eat it. Then Charles and I came downstairs and talked some more. I told him not to be a stranger.

I think I need financial and emotional counseling. Drat.

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