Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Time is short again today. My one day off between a weekend I work and a weekend I will have off, I spent dozing. Worked till 0130, up till 0300 [I can't remember what for: that's why it 's the middle of the night] and up again at 0830 to attend a St. Patrick's Day breakfast cooked by the management for the staff. I so wanted Breakfast Food, as when I go to work in the evenings, my first meal is really lunch. I can no longer handle such food, as a practicing Pseudo Vegetarian. I slept in all day afterwards, letting my innards sort things out. Oops, sorry, over sharing! I'm about to leave for Eatonville, my home away from home, and bring one of my husband's favorite foods for him as he breaks the fast: a honeydew melon. I need it, too.

Actually I have an intense dislike of St. Patrick's Day. As a child in school it was a license to get legally pinched. Wear green or you get pinched. So I did. But the atmosphere was not friendly. A child should get to wear any color they choose [unless the school has a uniform] and not be subject to sanctioned physical abuse.

And, lastly, with the risk of sounding like some sort of robe-wearing guru, I'd like to say, "Welcome to my followers!"

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