Sunday, April 12, 2009

Compulsive Computing

I took my daughter to the library today, where she goes online. I've forbidden her to use my computer, because I believe she has become compulsive in her online activities, and not all of them have been savory, by my standards. But I figured if she has the gumption to go to the library, at least she is getting out of the house, and go for it.

Driving around to find this particular library on her bus route took some time; then I needed to deposit a check, then I stopped at Subway for a sandwich then and one for work. Just had time to turn around, put on a uniform coat over my clothes and go out the door. I usually take my computer along and lock it in my car, where I have to hide it to keep it from being stolen. I didn't have time today.

So, I created a test. Like one of those cheesy suspense novels where the hero puts a hair across the door to see if someone breaks in. When I came home, I could easily see the test had been failed. Not only that, but my online connections were all fouled up. Now, I'm starting to get resentful. So I emailed my daughter to let her know that my computer is off limits, and why; that I am disappointed but not surprised, and that my online connections were messed up.

I guess it's back to locking up my computer when I'm not here. Martyred sigh. ; >

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