Saturday, April 4, 2009

William Sears, Part 1

This new Intensive Program of Growth starting with the Cluster Reflection Meeting in Tacoma this afternoon was dedicated to the memory of the Hand of the Cause of God William Sears. Wonderful music was played, readings from the Baha'i Writings were read, we had three short skits, and near the end, we met in groups to plan for teaching work organized by geographic area. This morning it was sunny and warm, and Enayat had some involved work he was trying to lead at the barn he is renovating, and it was hard to leave to spend the afternoon indoors. Yet, once we were there, I felt warmed by being with the Baha'is.

I remember the first year I found out what Baha'i love feels like. It was 1974/1975 and I was with the community in Pullman celebrating a holy day in the middle of the night. Candles were lit and people were singing Arabic words signifying "God is Most Glorious." I felt this warmth and closeness I'd never experienced quite that way before. This was the same year I met William Sears, Hand of the Cause of God.

I told my parents I was riding up to Canada with Baha'i friends to meet "a very special Baha'i," as I didn't fully understand the station of service of people appointed to this institution. I stayed overnight in Spokane to ride up with the Hoffs early in the morning to Nelson, B.C. [the town where the movie "Roxanne" was later filmed.] Toni Hoff, the Mama, mixed up egg salad for sandwiches in the car, and when we arrived in Nelson we stayed for a couple of hours in the home of some Baha'is, until it was time to attend the meeting.

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