Wednesday, April 8, 2009

God's Surgery

I'm sorry for the negative content today, but I'm devastated. My son-in-law moved out; today he enlisted help from his family and moved out his turtle, with the 50 gallon tank. I'll miss watching Mr. Turtle basking in the pretend sun. He took their dining room table the other day. The breaking up of a marriage, like the splitting of chemical bonds, releases a lot of energy, even if it's not expressed in anger, yelling or screaming. It's hard to just bear the grief. Today I avoided his mother: too much to say, and I didn't want to listen.

At the same time, it's time to habilitate my daughter. I'd say, rehabilitate, but I don't think she was ever habilitated to start with [thanks, H. Stephen Glenn for the term and the concept.] My shy but incredibly talented daughter was allowed as a teenager to spend hours online playing on sites such as Neopets and Gaia, which are innocent enough. [ According to her husband, there are some much less healthy activities available online.] Anyway, it's time for her to break out of fantasy land and learn to deal in the real world.

We actually had a real conversation last night. She asked for permission to use my computer, as her internet access has "mysteriously" been cut off. I'm actually taking my laptop with me when I go out of the house, to help break the Internet habit. But already she's starting to look a little more focused. We need to dialogue more, and come to some agreements. She needs to participate in life here. Do chores. My soon to be ex-son-in-law: "Good luck!"

I slept, trying to get over whatever Aphus of the Glaphus I've got; woke in time for midnight prayers. Realized I'm always clinging to my job, clinging to things as I want them to be. God seems to be cleaving me from those attachments, and I need to be attached to God, instead. With God's knife separating my heart from my life, I'm glad He is a better surgeon than I am.

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