Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Fate Worse Than Death

I've always thought that somewhere out there is a Mack truck with my name on it. But then I figured out that since my name is not Mack, I'm probably all right.

The other day we celebrated the First Day of Ridvan with our friends Jay and Kristina. Jay is a physician and Kristina teaches nutrition. In the last few months, I guess, they have adopted the Vegan style of eating: no foods which come from animal sources. A terrible thing happened to me when I listened to them--I came to recognize that nutritionally, no good comes from eating foods whose source is animals. Not just meat and fish, but dairy products. My mind says, Yes! My emotions say, Help!

I just knew this is the truth.

Lately I've come to realize that there is a truck headed straight for me, whether it hits tomorrow or in twenty years: the name on this truck is Heart Attack or Stroke. The way my diet has been all my life, this is a fact. I see people stricken this way every day.

A heart attack or stroke is okay if it kills me. But it won't kill me. It will ravage my life. It will steal my ability to swallow thin liquids without breathing them, or to eat foods with a normal texture [see how I zero in on the important thing, food?] It will rob me of my sight, my memory, my mobility.

The comfort foods I am attached to seem to all involve cheese, butter, meat, eggs, and sugar. That animal fat and low-density cholesterol isn't comforting, it's scary. Nevertheless, I'm terrified to cross that line. I'm abandoning my food friends.

Kristina says that it's easier for people to change their religion than to change their diet.

I'm becoming a Pagan Vegan.

My fear is that I will not be able to find anything to eat. It feels like jumping off a cliff. It feels like wandering out into the wilderness with no provisions. Wandering out into the wilderness to fight dragons with several weird, short bearded guys in hoods, and forgetting my pocket handkerchief. No, wait, that's that other story.

Wish me luck. And health. Pray for me.


Bonita said...

Yes, but...

You can also die from a brain anyurism at 29, like my friend Carol Vaughn, who was the dearest Angel, had wonderful habits, and deserved to live far more than I ever did, with my coffee, chocolate, and (at that time), my sedentary lifestyle.

Everything in balance, moderation. Life is too short to not have a little cream puff, if that is what you love. I had 3 every morning in Haifa!

If you really want to make changes, make them incrementally; set small goals, and do nothing abrupt. It takes time to reduce sugar, saturated fat, etc, as it takes time to build appreciation for the new habits, whether diet or exercise.

But, I encourage you to begin this journey; you will learn a lot about yourself and ultimately it is not just about outcomes, but about love.

garis tepi said...

kalo anda hidup di tempat saya,pasti gaya hidup yang sehat dan alami semuanya ada di sini,
saya cuma bengong membaca cerita anda,tapi saya suka cerita ini
thank ..ya