Wednesday, April 1, 2009

One Day Off

Two late admissions at "Homeland" last night, one day off today and a charge nurse meeting at ten. Since I was awake, I decided to go. Turns out the bad news from government cuts in Medicare and Medicaid mean cuts in staff hours at Homeland. I now have permission to go home early. Which, on a quiet weekend, is sometimes a possibility. I went to Office Depot for a box of my favorite pens, then Ruby Tuesday for a salad, and back to Homeland to speak to the DNS with my ideas for cutbacks.

It turns out that giving one of my shifts [when I only have one day off by itself] to one of the Unit Managers probably won't work, as they're clear about not wanting to do Charge. I also thought that the night shift, which is traditionally thought of as kind of a finger-in-the-dike position, could do some other useful things such as some of the tasks from admissions and faxing routine labs to MDs. Faxing can be done any time as long as the receiving machine is on.

I also offered to donate a voice recorder; rather a silly gesture, but we'll see. Since at this place the report to incoming nurses is given in person, it would save time if the charge nurse is able to leave early, to record report for the oncoming nurse.

When I got home my daughter was up and making macaroni and cheese, so I took her out for fried ice cream. Last time I took her to dinner, she had wanted dessert, but there is never room for it. So this time we just had dessert. Charles wanted to talk with Pearl, then I took her out to Eatonville to see my sewing room, as she had helped in the initial stages of cleaning it out and sanding the floor last year. She was suitably impressed. We also had more of a chance to visit, and she agreed tentatively to take the driving test the next date we both have off work.

Now to nap, perchance to dream, wake, and drive to Eatonville.

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