Friday, April 3, 2009

The Teaching Song

Cluster Reflection Meeting tomorrow, ushering in a new Intensive Period of Growth in the Illustrious Cluster Nineteen. Leafing through my notebook the other day I came across where I had recorded my impromptu teaching song the last time I stood on the porch with the Prayer Team last summer, ushering out the teaching teams with prayer and songs, and drumming them back in with enrollment cards in their hands: new Baha'is who were not proseletyzed, or converted from one thing to another, but merely found; connected with their Lord at last.

The Teaching Song*

Ch: None have I sought, nor any will I seek save Thee,
No path have I trodden, nor any will I tread
But the path of Thy love.

1] There go my friends, they're heading out the door; There go my friends, they're teaching more and more.

2] There go my friends, they're teaching 'cross the lands; Here come my friends with signed cards in their hands.

3] Baha'u'llah says go out there and teach; If we do as He says, there's no goal we can't reach.

*Chorus quotes from a prayer by 'Abdu'l-Baha printed in the copyrighted "Baha'i Prayers," published by the US Publishing Trust.

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