Monday, February 16, 2009

Pilrimage Day #7 February 8, 2009 Part 1

2-8-9 Sunday 0955 PRC

Slept deeply but could have slept longer. Archives visit: we were to meet at the Golomb gate but I took a taxi to Shifra, thinking the driver would not know "Golomb gate." It took considerable walking and uncertainty to find the Hillel stairs, some puffing to ascend them, a false approach of a school with a security officer, then turned around and saw the Seat of the Universal House of Justice and ascended the last stairs and up to the gate.

We assembled and met a different guide, rode the elevator to the Seat of UHJ banquet hall. The guide said we could recite a prayer if we chose, after doffing our shoes. I said, "That would be nice," so she nodded at me and I recited the Unity prayer. Left baggage behind.

I thought viewing "the portrait," i.e. the photograph of Baha'u'llah, which we have looked forward to so long, would be a hurried glimpse and a shuffle past, so I was surprised.

In the fall of 1974 when I first investigated the Baha'i Faith, I tried to picture the Bab in my mind but instead, forever and indelibly, all I could see in my mind was the face of one of the Baha'is I knew at that time, a very serene and dignified student who I also knew as a folkdancer, Dan W. The drawing/painting of the Bab was serene and dignified, so withdrawn as to be devoid of presence in this world. It did not look like Dan W.

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