Friday, February 13, 2009

The Road To Pilgrimage: January 28, 2009

1-28-9, 1240, Gate S12, Seatac Airport

Leaving three days early for extra time in Israel. Facing the airfield through windows, CNN playing in the background. Person on the right with a laptop, person on the left texting. I left my 5-6 lb Macbook at home. I can live without email for 2+ weeks. It's partly to mostly cloudy with sun peeking through. Enayat is sitting on the floor with his note book and cell phone.

We were up at 0600 as we promised each other; slept better at Eatonville. Excess fruits to the fridge; aging bananas into the freezer with the distant, dim hope of evolving into banana pancakes. I washed dishes.

Wearing reversable jacket with camel machine embroidered on the back which I hand-drew. I did not wear ridiculous knit dress I designed for the trip, thinking of comfort.

Boarding in 20 minutes. Shuttle passenger was a retired teacher heading back to Alaska; we talked about Hospice care, Pilgrimage, oil spills. Easy check-in. We checked our suitcases, notwithstanding.

1625 Tacoma time.
Completely delightful. Wonderful views of the Cascades, then sunlit clouds. Turbulance for about one hour, then sunlit frozen wasteland. The crew all seem to be French. I asked where we were and the flight attendant said, "Winneepeg." No vegetarian dinners, but excellent rice and bean salad with chicken that could be picked off. Main dish cheese ravioli with small shrimp ["sea worms" per Enayat] in a delicious tomato cream sauce. Mini-baguettes with butter, tea and milk and I'm happy.

After dinner I saw the Captain stolling down the aisles. I asked one flight attendant, "in French, what does 'Voulez-vous' mean?" She said, "What do you want?" Now I know.

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