Thursday, February 19, 2009

Pilrimage Day #8 February 9, 2009, Part 2

2-2-9 Monday 1450 Pilgrim House

We borrowed key for the Monument Gardens [Tip # 5: look for black box on wall to the right of the gate and swipe the key across the box.] We found a miniature orange on the ground by the monument for the Greatest Holy Leaf and obtained it without leaving the path. Later we crossed Hazionut to the gate and visited the Pilgrim House. I ate the orange, carefully saving the peel and five seeds. It was as sour as a lemon. The floor of the Pilgrim House is also paved with red tiles.

I've been contemplating how tatting [my home made lace] could be used in constructing bookmarks, also edging scarves.

2130 Monday Nof Hotel

Enayat returned to the camera shop while I stayed and prayed in the Shrines. I ate dinner in the PRC. I took out pita bread and warmed it up, warming up the foil-wrapped cream cheese on my skin, then opened it and spread it on the pita bread, whereupon it melted and turned into butter. So I cut up some cabbage, put it into a ceramic cup with water and steamed it in the microwave and ate pita pockets with butter and steamed cabbage. Then Emily took pity on me and gave me some hummus, which they are heartily sick of.

Tatting some more. It's addictive. I called Enayat in our hotel room to see if he would come to the evening program. He said he would come, but did not. I slept through the talk, an energetic exhortation to do more for the Faith, teach more, etc, and rode home in a sherut with people I didn't know well.

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